Dansk Sprinkler Teknik fejrer 10 års jubilæum
We are pleased that our company Dansk Sprinkler Teknik celebrates its 10th anniversary today. Dansk Sprinkler Teknik has been part of Fire Protection Solutions group within the VINCI Group since the end of 2019.
The Fire Protection Solutions Group and its companies are among the market leaders in the field of stationary extinguishing systems and has companies in five countries, including Dansk Sprinkler Teknik in Denmark. We were founded in 2010 and have since developed into a leading supplier of fire protection solutions in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We plan and install fire alarm and Sprinkler system solutions, including service and maintenance of own and third-party systems. In addition to sprinkler and fire alarm systems, we are also an expert in water mist systems and hand-held fire extinguishers, thus offering a wide range of fire protection solutions.
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